Brand Blueprint

Build your business DNA with a powerful personal brand

Are you tired of working tirelessly without seeing the results you deserve?

Do you wish you could attract better clients, charge what you’re truly worth, and finally have a brand that stands out? The Brand Blueprint is exactly what you need. This personal brand blueprint is designed specifically for hardworking business owners like you, making sure you and your business are no longer separate. It will transform your brand, making it more visible, valuable, and appealing to your dream clients. With the Brand Blueprint, you can work less, earn more, and enjoy the success you’ve always wanted while being the true face of your business.

Take a behind-the-scenes peek into what you can expect for your very own Brand Blueprint reveal.

The Brand Blueprint

The Brand Blueprint is our signature product that transforms you into the face of your business in just 2 weeks. Work less, earn more, and attract better clients - guaranteed!



One-off payment

  • 90-minute Brand Power Hour included.



2-part payment

  • 90-minute Brand Power Hour included.

  • Deposit: $2,500
    (to secure project date)

  • 2nd payment: $2,500 next month

50/50 PLAN


3-part payment

  • 90-minute Brand Power Hour included.

  • Deposit: $1,750 (to secure project date)

  • 2nd payment: $1,750 next month

  • 3rd payment: $1,750 next month




6-part payment

  • 90-minute Brand Power Hour included.

  • Deposit: $880 (to secure project date)

  • 2nd payment: $880 next month

  • 3rd payment: $880 next month

  • 4th payment: $880 next month

  • 5th payment: $880 next month


Some words from my happy clients…

What is the Brand Blueprint?

The Brand Blueprint is my signature service designed to transform your business by integrating your personal identity with your brand. This comprehensive approach ensures that you, as the business owner, are no longer separate from your business. By aligning your personal story, values, and vision with your brand, the Brand Blueprint helps you create a cohesive and powerful presence that stands out in the marketplace.

With the Brand Blueprint, you’ll receive a detailed plan that covers every aspect of your brand, from your visual identity to your pricing strategy. This plan will guide your business and marketing decisions, ensuring consistency and clarity across all channels. The service also includes crafting a compelling personal story that connects with your audience, developing a strong and recognizable brand identity, and setting prices that reflect the true value of your services.

In just two weeks, the Brand Blueprint will help you become the face of your business, making it easier to attract the clients you want, charge what you deserve, and achieve the success you’ve been working so hard for. Whether you’re just starting out or need a refresh, the Brand Blueprint provides the tools and strategies you need to level-up your business and make a lasting impact that goes beyond price.

Why do you need the Brand Blueprint?

Here is a closer look at what you can expect to achieve with the BRAND BLUEPRINT in just 2 weeks:

Meeting #1: Your Truth and Value

We talk about your business, what you struggle with, and your ideas. This is your chance to share everything about your business so we can create the best plan for you.

Meeting #2: Your Blueprint Reveal

We reveal your personalized Brand Blueprint and make sure it fits your voice and audience. We go through the plan together to make sure it captures who you are and what you want to achieve.

Meeting #3: Your Pricing Strategy

We refine your pricing strategy to match your new, improved brand. This helps you set the right prices and ensures your clients understand the value of your services.

Challenges Solved

Make Your Business Seen

If people don’t know about your business, they can’t buy from you.

The Brand Blueprint helps you tell your story in a way that gets people’s attention and makes them interested in what you do. It helps you share your unique journey and what makes your business special, so potential clients feel connected to you and want to work with you.

Clear Up Confusion

If your brand looks messy or unclear, it can confuse potential clients and make them less likely to choose your business.

The Brand Blueprint helps create a clear and consistent look for your brand. This includes things like your business name, tagline, logo, and the colors and fonts you use. A professional and consistent brand identity helps build trust with clients and makes your business look more credible and appealing.

Charge What You’re Worth

It’s easy to charge too little for your hard work.

The Brand Blueprint helps you set prices that show the true value of your services. This means you can earn more money for the same amount of work.

It helps you understand what your services are really worth and how to communicate that value to your clients so they are willing to pay the right price.

A Closer Look into the Brand Blueprint

With the Brand Blueprint, you will become the face of your business, connect with your dream clients, and have the confidence to lead. Your brand will have a clear and consistent presence, making it easier for people to recognize and trust your business.

Let’s tour what your Brand Blueprint journey looks like in just 2 weeks!


A well-crafted story is so much more than listing your work experience and background! I will ensure your story:

  • Reflects your personality and business journey

  • Captures your voice and tone

  • Spotlights your WHY to connect you to your target audience

  • Conveys how you will make their lives better

  • Showcases your unique qualifications

Walk away with the perfect content for your website’s About page or any short bio piece!


Every brand need guardrails to keep the business on track, which is where your mission, vision, and goals come in. I will refine your:

  • Mission Statement: Defines your brand purpose

  • Vision Statement: Defines the ultimate outcome your business is working towards

  • Goals: The top three ways you aim to help clients achieve their own goals

You can always come back to these when making future marketing and business decisions to ensure you stay true to your brand!


You need to hone in on who your target audience is in order to speak directly to them. I will help you:

  • Identify your top three ideal clients (i.e., buyer personas)

  • Define their problems and what success looks like for them

  • Communicate how your solution(s) will make their lives better

You will know how to speak directly to qualified prospects to turn them into your dream clients!


Next, we will refine your key services by assessing:

  • Which offer the most value to your ideal clients

  • What you enjoy doing the most

  • How you can package them into easy, magnetic offers

Your services deserve to shine. I will strategically repackage them for impact and increased revenue. You can then use the copy for each service on your website and other marketing materials! 


We’ll start you off with three strategies to help maximize your business outreach, such as:

  • Unique lead magnets, like quizzes and tests to intrigue your audience

  • Digital marketing strategies, from email campaigns to social media content ideas

  • Social proof, like video testimonials, which you can use across your marketing assets

  • …and many others, depending on your business and goals!

We will also discuss these further during our consultations to fuel your ideas and inspiration.


Whether you’re launching something new in your business or rebranding your current one, you need to nail down the essentials! I will provide you with ideas and concepts for your:

  • Business Name

  • Tagline

  • Brand Visuals (e.g., mini mood board, color palette, fonts, and logo)

From colors to logo concepts, I will design a visual brand that’s uniquely and authentically YOU. You will have time to reflect on the options and select the final brand elements to be included in your Brand Blueprint. This will act as your brand guide when you create your social media graphics, update your website, design print marketing, and more.

Book your free Mini Brand session to discuss your interest in the 2-week Brand Blueprint transformation

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, you can switch services or packages once you’ve started, but please note that it may involve adjustments to the project scope, timeline, and cost. If you decide to switch, here’s how it typically works:

    1. Request to Switch: Inform us of your desire to change services or packages. Provide details on the new service or package you’re interested in.

    2. Review and Proposal: We will review the request and propose any necessary changes to the project scope, timeline, and cost. This may include an updated contract or agreement.

    3. Adjustments: Once you agree to the revised terms, we’ll adjust the project plan accordingly. This may involve additional meetings or deliverables to align with the new service or package.

    4. Implementation: We will proceed with the updated service or package, ensuring that all aspects are covered as per the new agreement.

    Switching services or packages is designed to ensure that you get the most out of your investment and that the branding work aligns with your evolving needs. Feel free to reach out to discuss any changes or questions you may have.

  • If you can’t commit to the timeline and need longer to complete the project, we offer flexible options to accommodate your schedule. Please let us know your situation, and we can adjust the timeline or provide customized installment plans to ensure you have the time and resources needed to complete your project successfully. We are committed to working with you to meet your specific needs and goals.

  • Yes, we offer flexible payment plans for each of our services to accommodate different financial needs. Here’s a brief overview:


    • Full Payment: $20,000 (or $19,000 with a $1,000 discount if you’ve completed the Brand Power Hour). Past clients of the Brand Blueprint receive an additional discount, making the total investment $17,500.

    • Payment Plan A: 50/50 split: $10,000 deposit and $10,000 next month.

    • Payment Plan B: 3-month plan: $7,344 deposit, then two monthly payments of $7,344.

    • Payment Plan C: 6-month plan: $3,670 deposit, then five monthly payments of $3,670.


    • Full Payment: $10,000 (or $9,000 with a $1,000 discount if you’ve completed the Brand Power Hour). Past clients of the Brand Blueprint receive an additional discount, making the total investment $7,500.

    • Payment Plan A: 50/50 split: $5,000 deposit and $5,000 following month.

    • Payment Plan B: 3-month plan: $3,666 deposit, then two monthly payments of $3,666.

    • Payment Plan C: 6-month plan: $1,834 deposit, then five monthly payments of $1,834.


    • Full Payment: $5,000 (or $4,000 with a $1,000 discount if you’ve completed the Brand Power Hour).

    • Payment Plan A: 50/50 split: $2,500 deposit and $2,500 next month.

    • Payment Plan B: 3-month plan: $1,750 deposit, then two monthly payments of $1,750.

    • Payment Plan C: 6-month plan: $880 deposit, then five monthly payments of $880.

    For any customized payment plans or further questions, please reach out to discuss options.

  • If you find yourself unable to continue with the installment payments during the project, it’s crucial to communicate with us as soon as possible. Failure to complete installment payments will result in additional collection actions and may lead to legal proceedings to recover the owed amount. We recommend discussing any financial difficulties with us to explore potential solutions or adjustments to your payment plan.

  • If you find that you’re not attracting high-quality clients or able to charge more after completing the process, don’t worry! We provide guidance on best practices throughout the project and offer ongoing support to help you deepen and refine your personal brand. The Brand Blueprint and Brand Builder services are designed to set a solid foundation, but the success of your brand also depends on ongoing efforts and market dynamics. We offer support and additional consultation to help refine your approach, address any challenges, and ensure that your brand aligns with your goals. Our goal is to ensure you have the tools and strategies needed to continuously enhance your brand’s appeal and value.

  • If you decide not to pursue your business or are unable to complete the project, refunds are not typically provided. However, if Boss Diplomat is unable to complete the project after starting, you may receive a 50% refund of the money paid to date. Refund requests are processed within 28 days from the date of request, excluding weekends and public holidays.

  • Building a personal brand is a journey that requires consistent effort and dedication. While the initial investment may seem significant, remember that a strong personal brand grows with the consistent effort you put into it. We provide you with a solid foundation and ongoing support to help you effectively implement and refine your brand strategy. Success comes from continuous engagement and adaptation, so stay committed and proactive to see the long-term benefits of your investment.

  • Boss Diplomat does not offer a general money-back guarantee. Refunds are only provided under specific circumstances, such as if Boss Diplomat is unable to complete the project after starting, in which case a 50% refund of the money paid to date may be issued.

  • The time it takes to see results after completing a branding project can vary widely depending on several factors. Generally, clients may start to notice initial impacts within 3 to 6 months, as they begin implementing their new brand strategies and reaching out to their target audience. However, achieving more substantial results such as increased brand recognition, customer engagement, and sales growth can take 6 to 12 months or more.

    Key factors influencing the timeline include:

    • Consistency: Regularly applying and maintaining your new brand identity and strategies is crucial for long-term success.

    • Marketing Efforts: Active promotion and marketing of your new brand will accelerate visibility and engagement.

    • Market Conditions: External factors like market trends and competition can also affect how quickly results are seen.

    It’s important to remain patient and committed to your branding efforts, as building a strong brand is a continuous process that evolves over time.

  • If you are not satisfied with the final deliverables, here’s how we address it:

    1. Review and Feedback: Provide detailed feedback on what aspects you’re not satisfied with. This helps us understand your concerns and identify areas that need adjustment.

    2. Revisions: We include one round of revisions with each project. During this phase, we’ll make adjustments based on your feedback to ensure the deliverables meet your expectations. If additional revisions are needed, they can be arranged through a separate consultation session.

    3. Resolution Process: If, after the revisions, you’re still not satisfied, we will work closely with you to understand the issue better and find a resolution. This might involve further adjustments or discussions to address any lingering concerns.

    4. Refund Policy: In rare cases where the project cannot be completed as per the agreed terms and you remain unsatisfied, our refund policy allows for a 50% refund of the money paid to date. This is contingent on the nature and timing of the issue and must be requested within the specified period outlined in our Terms of Service.

    We aim to ensure that our clients are satisfied with the final deliverables and are committed to working through any issues that may arise. Your feedback is crucial in helping us achieve the best possible outcome for your branding project.

  • In addition to the fees for the primary services, there may be extra costs associated with the following:

    • Additional Revisions: Beyond the included revision for each project, any extra revisions require booking a 60-minute Brand Refresh consultation at $500 per session.

    • In-Person Meetings: If requested, in-person meetings will incur additional costs, which will be covered by the client.

    • Installment Payments: If payments are not completed on time, a late fee of 10% of the outstanding balance will be charged every 30 days. Clients must complete all installment payments even if the service period has ended, and failure to do so may result in additional collection actions.

    • Cancellation Fees: Project or consultation cancellations may involve fees depending on the stage of the project.

    For a detailed breakdown of costs related to specific services, please refer to the individual service descriptions or contact us directly.

  • After your project is completed, you can continue to receive support through additional consultations. You can book a 60-minute session called

    Brand Refresh

    , which is designed for clients who need assistance with implementation, ongoing advice, or periodic check-ins. Each Brand Refresh session costs $500 and can be scheduled at any time.

  • If you need to pause or delay your project, please inform us as soon as possible. Here’s how the process works:

    1. Notification: Provide written notice of your request to pause or delay the project. This can be done via email or through our designated communication channels.

    2. Review: We will review your request and discuss the reasons for the delay to understand how it may impact the project timeline and deliverables.

    3. Adjustment: We will work with you to determine a new timeline or schedule. Depending on the length of the delay, there may be adjustments to the project’s scope, deadlines, and potentially additional costs.

    4. Fees: Please note that if the project is paused or delayed for an extended period, there may be additional costs associated with re-scheduling, maintaining project readiness, or accommodating changes.

    5. Resumption: Once you’re ready to resume the project, we’ll coordinate to get back on track according to the revised schedule.

    We strive to be flexible and accommodate your needs, but timely communication is key to ensuring minimal disruption to the project.

  • Yes, we are happy to share examples of past projects and client testimonials to give you a better idea of our work and client satisfaction. You can view some of our case studies and testimonials on our website or by contacting us directly to request specific examples. We ensure that all client information is kept confidential, so some examples may be anonymized or generalized to respect privacy.

    If you have any specific types of projects or testimonials in mind, please let us know, and we will provide relevant examples.