Expect personal branding strategies, expert tips for small business owners, and step-by-step guides to help you build a powerful personal brand that gets you noticed and makes an impact.

Talyn Rahman-Figueroa

Personal Branding by the Fairy BOSSmother!

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Master Branding with the Four Agreements

Have you ever found yourself constantly worrying about what others think of you? Whether it’s negative feedback or simply fear of judgment, it’s easy to get caught up in how people perceive us. My recent podcast dives into some powerful principles from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. These simple but effective ideas can help you shift your mindset, stay true to yourself, and create a personal brand that resonates with your audience.

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Becoming Micro-Famous in Your Niche

Being micro-famous is another way to say you are going to become the go-to expert in your field and become known for your superpower, the very thing that people are searching for and how they found you and want to work with you. And then they realize, oh, you're the only person that can help me with this very specific thing. I'm going to pay you top dollar now to work with just you. 

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Proven Formula for Building an Effective Personal Brand

Do you want to know the exact formula on how to build a personal brand for your business? Just you wait. In my latest podcast episode (#40) of “The Fairy BOSSmother Show”, I will demonstrate exactly what you need to do with a step-by-step formula that I've been using with my clients. With over a hundred solopreneurs that have skyrocketed their personal brand in their business in the last two years.

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How To Analyze Your Competitors And Make Your Brand Stand Out

Are you curious to know how analyzing your competitors can give you a brand edge for your business? In my latest podcast episode, I will be showing you a behind-the-scenes look at what a brand analysis looks like with my client, Colin Turner - a running coach from Turner Fitness. I recently helped Colin pivot his business from helping marathon runners out of injury to focusing on newbie runners who think running sucks!

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Strategies to Sell Without Being Salesy

If you're an entrepreneur and you hate the idea of selling in your business to get clients, I’ve got you covered. I share exactly how you can do a business sales pitch using your personal brand. If you maintain a steady, persistent pace, you keep moving forward, outlasting the competition. Be the last person running.

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The Know, Like and Trust Factor of Iman Gadzhi

Have you ever wondered why certain people attract your interest immediately? The magic of the "know factor" is that you really know them. To connect with your audience, they need to be able to see you as a friend of theirs. Introducing Iman Gadzhi—a young, dynamic person who has stormed the Internet. At the tender age of 20, Iman has managed to increase his popularity to over 2 million individuals on Instagram as well as close to 5 million YouTube subscribers. But success is not a matter of luck only.

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Why Alex Hormozi’s Personal Brand Works For Him

In a world where it seems like everyone’s trying to shout louder and compete harder, how do you stand out? Well, my friends, in my latest podcast episode, I shine a spotlight on serial entrepreneur, Alex Hormozi. Let's take a page out of the book of Alex Hormozi, a man who has mastered the art of creating a magnetic personal brand because of repetition. If you don’t know who he is, stick around because you’re in for a treat!

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From Hijab to Muay Thai: Nez Zakia's Brand Journey

If you're a fitness coach and you're curious about how your personal brand can really shoot your business to the next level, I'm going to share with you why this personal trainer is absolutely killing it in the fitness industry, and she's not what you think she is. In my latest podcast episode, I spotlight Nez Zakia.

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Strategies to Make Clients Eager to Pay More

I want to share with you why clients might be hesitating in paying your high ticket price as a solopreneur and how to make that value crystal clear. Stay with me to the very end because I'm going to give you actionable tips on how you can help your clients understand your value so that they are waiting to say yes to wanting to work with you. In my latest podcast episode, I revealed some strategies on how to comfortably charge more when you become a premium brand. 

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Why Starting from Scratch Can Benefit Your Personal Brand

I've been building my brand with you through my podcasts, my bloggings, my Instagram, my YouTube channel. You are seeing live how to build a personal brand. And just like, how many twists and turns there are, because no matter how much of an amazing brand strategy you have in your business, there's gonna be a lot of mishaps that come along the way, and you just have to roll with it. Here, I reveal strategies on how to be flexible in your brand, and how to grow your brand consistently, 1% every day.

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Mastering Instagram for Financial Advisors

You're a business owner. You recently started an Instagram account and you think you know what you're doing up until you don't. This is a dilemma for so many solo entrepreneurs. You want to be visible, you want to show up, you want to show off your expertise, your credibility, and your authority in this niche that you have decided to work in. You don't actually know the perception that you're giving off, but by being present on social media. 

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How to Take Charge of Your Name

"What's your name? That is going to be the most basic branding question you will ever hear. So many of us, me included, have been beaten down by that stupid question because no one knows how to pronounce your name.

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How to Become the Face of Your Business

Do you want to make more than a nine to five? Do you want to work less and sleep more? Do you want to live a life where you are actually doing other things? Where your life's energy is not going 100% into work and hustling and bustling and busting your joints over bringing money into your business? 

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Should You Trademark Your Brand?

Let’s talk trademarking because this is a topic that gets brushed under the carpet a lot by entrepreneurs… up until they decide to rebrand and suddenly want to protect it. In my latest podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lorraine Galvis, a trademark and small business attorney from Galvis and Co. Spoiler alert: she dropped some serious knowledge! Let’s break it down.

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Avoid These Top Mistakes to Become a Premium Solopreneur Brand

If you want to be a premium brand in your business and attract premium clients into your brand, you have to stop making these four common mistakes that I'm about to share with you in my latest podcast episode. The minute you stop these things, you're going to see some changes in your business and how people actually show up in calls with you. They're not going to waste your time. They're going to take you seriously, and most importantly, they're going to pay more than what you could have ever charged. 

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Ditch Retainer Clients for More Control

Retainer clients might feel like a stable income stream but beware—they can do more harm than good. As a solopreneur, won't you rather have control over your business than be in a perpetual cycle of meeting the same expectations? In my latest podcast episode of the newly rebranded podcast, “The Fairy BOSSmother Show”, discover why retainer clients may not be the safe bet you think they are and how they can jeopardize your brand reputation.

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Build a Six-Figure Personal Brand

Building a business that makes six figures is not the same thing as building a brand that makes six figures. If you don't have anything to stand on, you're going to just fall through in an endless, bottomless pit. Your brand holds you up. And then what you do is you build on top of that 1% at a time to build that consistency, to build that following, and ultimately to build that authenticity and trust that your brand builds credence.

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Diagnose Before You Rebrand 

Planning a rebrand? Don't dive in blind. A brand power hour session is like a check-up for your business. You need to diagnose before you operate. In my latest podcast episode, I walk you through why it’s so important to diagnose your business at its current stage before you even contemplate rebranding or repositioning your business to save you time, money, and energy.

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The Dark Side of Growing Your Brand 

A new episode just dropped. In this episode, I open up about the mistakes I made in growing my personal brand and the hard lessons I learned along the way.

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