Scaling to Six Figures: Noura’s Revolutionary Rebranding

Personal branding for tax professionals
Oh, my God, this is real magic… I love my brand. I love the colors. I love the way that you helped us… We know the messaging, so anytime we bring clients into Noura’s Books, it’s much easier to let them know what we are doing. Also the people who come to the website are like ‘Wow, this is amazing. How did you do that?’ I’m like, ‘Well, my branding consultant [Talyn], she did it!’
— Noura Almasri, Chief Financial Officer and Tax Professional, Noura’s Books

Disclaimer: Clients may have made changes to their brand post-delivery and may not reflect the original work done by Boss Diplomat.

Noura Almasri is a tax professional who does accountancy and bookkeeping for her own business, Noura’s Books. When I first met Noura, I believed she already had a solid foundation to take her brand to six figures. Noura had big ambitions to become an author and eventually speak on the big stage within her industry niche. But a few key components were missing and my job was to find them and bring them to the core of her business.

So, I stepped in as Noura’s Fairy-BOSS-Mother to reposition her brand and offerings through my signature Brand Blueprint! Noura didn’t need a complete rebrand and already had a fantastic marketing team waiting to get her social and website updated. Instead, we focused on:

  • Defining her three primary audience segments 

  • Reconceptualizing her brand visuals and adding personality to her business website

  • Developing Noura’s personal brand with a focused look into her backstory and why she is so committed to helping nonprofit organizations 

Now, we were ready to reposition Noura as a premium brand that deserved the attention of a bigger audience.

Noura Almasri

Noura's Books logo concept

Before the Brand Refresh

Noura Almasri and I were connected through Instagram and recognized the power of personal branding through some of the education I posted on my social media. Noura, who was the founder and owner of Noura’s Books, has a niche in nonprofit tax and planning but many of her clients did not have the budget to work with her or were time-poor with their responses. Noura was already doing all the right things. She was using her personal brand to position herself in her industry as her business name included her first name. Noura was also offering a free mastermind class to help nonprofits get an extra $10,000 within 30 days of her course. This was one of her lead magnets and attracted a good amount of prospects for her. 

Unfortunately, Noura’s website was a little clunky and was too geared towards her courses and not enough on her professional services as a tax pro. This was a problem because she also wanted to target business owners but her messaging was too focused on the nonprofit world. Noura knew something was missing in her brand but she couldn’t quite figure out what that was. She had great content and videos on her social media but it still wasn’t converting well.

On top of that, Noura had aspirations to become an author and speaker but knew that her personal brand needed a rehaul before she was ready to take the stage. 

Noura’s Branding Goals

Objective #1: Define a target audience and main segments. Noura was very focused on working with nonprofits but even this industry needed to be segmented further to help Noura with her messaging. I helped her define who her top three nonprofit audience could be and how to develop unique messaging to each of these audiences. 

Objective #2: Reconceptualize her visual brand. Noura had a weak business logo that did not define or explain what she did. Her logo was low resolution and quite generic and simply wasn’t a good representation of her. She also needed to rehaul her business brand colors because the green she was using was overused in her industry.

Objective #3: Develop Noura’s personal brand identity and narrative. Noura’s backstory was completely missing from her branding, and once she shared her journey of coming to the US from Syria, her burning passion for working in the nonprofit world from a tax point of view suddenly made perfect sense. We had to use her backstory to her advantage and help her connect deeper to her audience.

Noura's Books Website

Bringing It All Together

Noura and I completed her Brand Blueprint in just three weeks, during which we accomplished a LOT! 

First, I helped Noura re-tell her personal story that shaped her as a tax professional and how he became involved in the nonprofit world. Much of what Noura shared would resonate with both the nonprofit and business world, so it was vital that her backstory was deeply connected to her business and audience. The foundation of her backstory then helped me to develop her brand color and business color. I used the personal photographs she shared with me as her brand inspiration. Her family is the pinnacle of her life and I wanted her colors to remind her of why she decided to work for herself in the first place. We were able to get deeper with the colors once Noura started to become more intentional about what each color meant to her. This led to an engaging discussion about how she wanted her business to be seen by clients and her intentions were a big part of her rebrand.

I also changed her logo. The green circle just wasn’t pulling its weight, in my opinion, and was far too generic to be considered a personal brand. The logo also completely ignored Noura’s amazing business name which is the whole point of a logo. With her new colors, I was able to generate several concept ideas on what her logo could look like. She was fond of all of them and was able to merge all three ideas when working on her final logo. The name “Noura’s Book” is now dominant as part of her logo.

Additionally, Noura’s messaging had to be changed to target better-quality clients who were ready to work with her. Currently, Noura was attracting people who were interested in but often wanted free work, which naturally is not sustainable for any business. Just because you’re a nonprofit, it does not mean you get every service pro bono. This was a common pattern Noura found herself in, so we identified the types of nonprofits she wanted to work with and determined the cause they were focused on. This meant that Noura was in a better position to pivot her messaging to very specific types of organizations so she could show up as an authority figure who clearly understood their needs, problems, and values better than any other tax professionals in her industry.

Noura's Books Brand Blueprint
Noura's Books Brand Blueprint
Noura's Books Brand Blueprint

After the Brand Repositioning

Three weeks after completing the Brand Blueprint, Noura got to work on her website. She was able to take everything we did in the blueprint and implement it into her brand new website. Her website is very engaged with Noura’s personal brand with a photo of her visible on the homepage. Noura is also confidently calling herself a “Chief Financial Officer” for nonprofits, a title she didn’t know she could own until we started working together. Noura has also revamped her services to start attracting businesses and her social media is even more focused with her talking more on reels.

Noura has also positioned herself as a speaker and does not shy away from her backstory anymore. By leaning deeper into her history, Noura has more to offer to her perfect audience, as a nonprofit tax specialist. 

A year and a half after her rebrand, I caught up with Noura to see how she was doing with rebranded business and I’m blown away by the success she has achieved in such a short amount of time.

My full interview with Noura can be found here:

How It’s Going

Noura is absolutely killing it. Not only was Noura invited to write a chapter of an Amazon bestselling book “Tax Strategies for Small Businesses”, she is also the author of her own book, “How to Start, Manage, and Prosper with a Nonprofit” which can be found in any good bookshop. She also hosts her own TV show called “Echoes of Impact” and is already living her most ambitious goals since the rebrand.

Noura is in full control of her personal brand and has positioned herself well to attract more media attention as a tax professional who caters to the nonprofit world and small business community. With her rebrand, Noura was able to fast-track her author and media ambitions and has reported that she is a six-figure business now with the help of our work together. I’m so so pleased for her!

Looking Ahead

Noura is excited and motivated about her business, thanks to this clarity around her brand! Armed with the ideas and guidelines in his Brand Blueprint, he is now on his way to:

  • Reorganizing his inventory based on his top three primary audience segments

  • Updating his website based on my recommendations and website concept

  • Redesigning the Danco logo similar to the logo concept I created with the Taino sun

  • Connecting with his target audience at a more local level by using his backstory

“It was amazing. I love our branding right now and love everything about it, and that couldn’t have happened without Talyn’s help. She goes well beyond your expectation and I can’t thank you enough.” - Noura Almasri, Chief Financial Officer and Tax Professional, Noura’s Books

Own Your Personal Brand & Become the BOSS of Your Business

If you have ambitions to become an author or a speaker in your business niche, I’m here to help. All it takes is booking a free Mini Brand Session with me, and I’m show you what you can achieve in our 30 minutes chat.

Personal branding in 100 days - Boss Diplomat personal brand consultant

Book your free Mini Brand Session


Diagnose Before You Rebrand 


The Dark Side of Growing Your Brand