Boston Running Coach Stands Out by Targeting an Often Overlooked Audience

Turner Fitness founder and running coach Colin Turner has been in business for a few years but knew he needed a serious brand upgrade if he wanted his business to not just survive but thrive. When he first approached Boss Diplomat, Colin was in a deeply competitive market as a Boston running coach, where countless other coaches were after the same clients. 

Colin walked away fueled for the future of his business with a: 

  • New target audience that opens up tons of opportunities, cuts down on competition, and makes him stand out

  • Clear brand positioning and story and the ability to talk effectively about his program

  • User-friendly website that attracts his ideal clients and streamlines his business


Turner Fitness original logo

Colin Turner

Turner Fitness Coaching Before the Rebrand

Colin started his side hustle, Turner Fitness Coaching, a few years ago. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Colin had worked with clients predominantly in person, but when COVID-19 hit, he had to innovate and find a solution to help clients virtually. That’s when he created an online coaching program.

In his full-time job, Colin is a teacher. As you might guess, this translates well to coaching! Like many of his core competitors, Colin originally worked with marathon runners, and even though he specifically coached those who’d suffered some sort of injury, his competition was still fierce. When prospects did find him, he was unsure of how to explain what he does and what makes him shine. 

Additionally, Colin struggled to attract clients and convert leads from his WordPress website. His previous website read more like a blog and was very difficult to update and maintain. Additionally, his website couldn’t support an online course, let alone ways for clients to pay for his expertise. The rebrand not only helped Colin move over to a new Squarespace website that he can easily maintain, but his brand is refreshing, personable, and different enough from his competitors.

Colin’s Branding Solution

After listening to Colin’s challenges and where his brand sat, I set out with the following objectives:

Objective #1: Refine his brand identity and narrative. Although Colin had a logo and brand color palette, he didn’t really have a solid brand identity that highlighted his story, expertise, and unique value proposition—also known as that crucial piece that sets him apart! My goal was to refine all of this and create a consistent, authentic message that turned him into his own business Brand Ambassador.

Objective #2: Determine how he could stand out. With his old brand positioning, Colin was struggling to market and sell people on his program, which targeted runners who wanted support overcoming injuries and getting back on track. I would need to analyze his competition, target a new audience, and reposition his brand and offerings.

Objective #3: Create a clear, easy-to-maintain website. Colin’s existing WordPress website was difficult to update, and frankly, he was tired of it. He knew it wasn’t supporting his business and needed a site he could easily manage that clearly spoke to his target audience and explained his unique program.

How We Did It

I started with a competitive analysis to find out what other running coaches in the Boston area were doing well, what they were missing, and where there was room for opportunity. This helped us get super clear on the direction of his rebrand, allowing us to:

  • Target people who say “running sucks” as his main audience

  • Tell his story and tailor his messaging so it’s clear and consistent

  • Create a consistent visual brand identity

Colin stands out from the competition in the oversaturated Boston area by serving a unique audience, one that is often overlooked: beginners who think running sucks! Many Boston running coaches work with marathon runners, but those who help newbies and everyday people simply looking to improve their fitness are less common.

Colin’s new ideal client offers much more opportunity and much less competition. We didn’t find other running coaches with this as their niche—most we found target marathon runners. Hence the intense competition!

Additionally, we highlighted Colin’s background as a teacher, which he believed would make him stand out and could translate well into coaching. I couldn’t agree more! Colin knows what people respond to and how to educate them not only about running but running safely so it feels good and prevents future injury. 

This new strong messaging makes Colin’s small business brand relatable and approachable. Consider his tagline, “Run. Explore. Repeat.” This conveys that running can be a joyful, fulfilling experience! He also shares his story on his website and other marketing to let people know that he’s been there—as Colin says, “I’ve loved running and hated it. I’ve gotten injured and quit running at least 10 times, but always started again.”

With a new target audience, we also needed to develop a new program for those who are just getting into or back into running. We created a curriculum with three levels, starting with the basics and continuing with ongoing coaching for those who want continued accountability and improvement. Clients can choose which level they start with depending on where they are in their journey. Colin’s unique offerings also include: 

  • Custom running routes in clients’ neighborhoods

  • Gait analysis using cutting-edge AI technology—yep, he even reviews the way you run!

  • A positive community for encouragement, accountability, and knowledge

  • Monthly 1:1 coaching that is NOT a la carte anymore

Finally, I redesigned Colin’s website in Squarespace so it is easy for him to update and manage. His online course even lives on the website, so he can handle every part of his business online. We implemented his existing brand colors, again helping him stand out from his competitors. Colin’s website streamlines his process and speaks to his ideal clients with the right messaging and a fun, friendly look and feel.

You can check out some of the behind-the-scenes of our work together in this video:

Turner Fitness Coaching After the Rebrand

As a result of our work, Colin now coaches beginners and those who hate running or find it painful. On a mission to transform the phrase “I hate running” into “I love exploring,” he encourages clients to get outdoors and rediscover their neighborhoods to find the joy in running. 

Colin believes that with a new perspective and the right knowledge, people can find joy in running and do it pain-free. On top of being a great teacher, Colin is compassionate and free of judgment because he’s been there before. He remembers being a new runner, the many times he’s quit due to injuries, and how difficult it is to learn and start all over again. He also understands the value of having a supportive coach and community in your corner to reach your goals and increase your happiness and health.

[Talyn] did a great job putting it into words that are clear for someone who’s not in the program, which is what I wanted—for it to be accessible and approachable for someone who doesn’t run.
— Colin Turner, Founder, Turner Fitness Coaching

Turner Fitness website redesign

How It’s Going

So, how has the rebrand and new site been working for Colin? 

Well, Colin is now in full control of his business, brand, AND messaging. He fully embraces his mission of helping runners who really HATE running and is no longer shy about getting in front of his audience. Colin is even able to use his sense of humor to his advantage, as well as his teaching skills, to guide his new clients through the process. 

In short, he’s running his business authentically and with a crystal clear vision.

I also restructured Colin’s pricing. Since he’s so clear about who he serves, what he offers, and how he solves a very specific offer, he provides more value—and his prices should match! Clients on the monthly program can progress through Levels 1, 2, and 3; they can then pay a lower subscription to keep up with their running guide at an affordable rate. Isn’t that great?!

Looking Ahead

Our work went beyond branding alone. Colin and I talked deeply about his pricing, process, client journey (from before to after he works with them), and how to attract the best clients for his running program. In addition to listening closely, my analytical approach to Colin’s competition showed him a lot he was unaware of and empowered him with a unique brand positioning.

Colin is now positioned as a very approachable coach with an easy-to-apply coaching membership and a seamless client experience. He has a clear message, attractive image, and various touchpoints with his clients. Thanks to this, Colin is excited about the future of his business and eventually turning Turner Fitness into a full-time gig!

And if Colin’s mission and message sound like the running solution you’ve been searching for, connect with him today on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn!

Now It’s Your Turn

Are you ready to reposition your brand and stand out like the BOSS that you are? Get started by booking a free Mini Brand Session, where I take 30 minutes to review your current branding and challenges!

Her brand analysis brought my vision to a whole new level, and helped me to place my offerings in exactly the right niche of my market. She helped me to focus on the most impactful products and courses, and included images, brand colors, taglines, and so many great ideas for marketing and advertising.
— Colin Turner, Founder, Turner Fitness Coaching
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